My Blood Runs Through This Land, Black Belt Eagle Scout (10/10)

On 11/16/22, Black Belt Eagle Scout (loml) dropped the second single from her forthcoming album, "The Land, The Water, The Sky" (2/10/23 Saddle Creek). THIS SONG IS FUCKING PERFECT. I enjoyed the first single she dropped ("Don't Give Up"), but this song is just next fucking level. It's a distortion-heavy track and that distorted guitar just goes fucking crazy. !!!!!!!!! She sings, "My blood runs through this land / I wanna know what you hear when / Thunder in the land" [...] "Waking up is so violent / Wanna see the peaceful light." CMON. The poetics are impeccable. The sound is impeccable. It's so filled with grief and mourning and her voice and that guitar. Might honestly be my favorite song of the year. Katherine Paul is truly one of the greatest artists working today. Wow. So excited for this album drop. I didn't think she could ever top "Mother of My Children," but I am hoping she might. :O



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