Internal Wrangler, Clinic (8/10)

Clinic released this album on 1/1/2000. This is the second Clinic album I've listened to in full, and it's pretty dang good! I think I also gave the other album (3EPS) a 7. It's great, innovative, fun, alternative rock, and also one of my favorite songs of all time ("Distortion") is on this album. It's super jammy with some great beats (in classic Clinic fashion), some sick ass guitar, and Ade Blackburn's stellar Lou-Reed-y voice. I was impressed even while I didn't love every song on the album. Turning into a big Clinic fan over here. Favorite tracks: Distortion, The Second Line, 2nd Foot Stomp, T.K. 


  1. hadn't heard clinic b4. just listened to distortion & it's so good. thanks for putting me on sydboy!!! <3


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