The Abtomatic Miesterzinger Mambo Chic, Charlie Megira (7/10)

Horsegirl finally did a "What's in My Bag?" with Amoeba on Youtube, so I've pretty much just been listening to Horsegirl recs lately. This was an album that was from that video, and I enjoyed it! Megira was an Israeli guitarist/musician who died at 44 :( and this was his first full album which came out in 2001. It's a really sweet little kind of folky/tango-y guitar album with vocals in Hebrew and English, but he does some sick things with the guitar, and I actually prefer the instrumentals to the songs with vocals. It's very nice and chill and pretty stripped back - would be great to spin while making some tea for your grandma on a rainy day. Favorite tracks: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, The Girl Who Was Frightened of Ashtrays, Tomorrow's Gone



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