Sun's Signature (EP), Sun's Signature (5/10)

Sun's Signature's self-titled debut EP came out on 7/29/22, and I finally got around to listening to it. I did a review of the first single they dropped earlier this year, "Underwater," which I just loved. As I mentioned in that review, Sun's Signature is the new project of Cocteau Twin's Elizabeth Fraser and her partner, Damon Reece. After loving that single so much, though, I was honestly a bit underwhelmed by the rest of the EP, which all sounds a bit like that single but I don't like as much. Pretty similar to the Beth Orton album, I found this EP delving into the experimental avant garde semi-ambient realm but less compelling than some of the other releases this year. Was only meh on the new four songs. Sad. Favorite tracks: Underwater



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