Air Volta, Volta Jazz (7/10)

"Air Volta" is a new compilation put together by Numero Group of some of the top hits of Orchestre Volta Jazz, one of the main/biggest acts of the West African jazz explosion of the 60's and 70's. I'd heard their biggest hit, "Djougou Toro" before but actually hadn't heard any of the others until I encountered one on a Horsegirl playlist. It's a pretty good dang album! Their guitar is so fkn sick and they just jam the fk out. I really like the playfulness esp on songs like "Bi Kameleou." :) if ur into west african jazz, def give it a listen. Favorite tracks: Bi Kameleou, Wêrê Wêrê Magne, Mama Soukous (sooo good)



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