3EPS, Clinic (7/10)

Ok this album is probably my favorite albums off of the Horsegirl Amoeba video so far. I've had it on pretty non-stop for the last few days and am honestly considering giving it an 8. "3EPS" is the first (at least on Spotify) studio album of alt. rocker band, Clinic (1999). It's a pretty strange album, and they seem to be a pretty strange band, but I fuck with that. For example, one song called "Porno" has some porn sounds, another song called "D.P." is 1 minute of hard rock followed by 1 minute of soft Velvet Underground guitar. But man, they rock!!!!! And I've really had some of these songs stuck in my head lately. Get into them for sure if you like kind of punky 90's era alt. rock (Suicide, Velvet Underground, Breeders, Electrelane, etc.) Favorite tracks: IPC Sub-Editors Dictate Our Youth, D.T. - Filthy Remix (this song wasn't one of my favs at first but man it's grown on me), Cement Mixer



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