Technicolour, Disco Inferno (5/10)

I found this album through an infographic on the best of Noise Pop lol. "Technicolour" is the third studio album of British trio, Disco Inferno (1996). It was put alongside "I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One" by Yo La Tengo, "Psychocandy" by Jesus & the Mary Chain, and "Isn't Anything" by MBV among others just to give you an idea of what I was expecting. This is one of my fav genres so I was also p excited as the author of the infographic really enjoyed this album. However, this album was just okay in my opinion. P much the noisiness/experimental vibe of all those bands without, again in my opinion, any really good melodies or shreddage. In that way, I thought it was an interesting conceptual album (the use of noises is pretty cool if not pleasant), but I probably won't be listening to any of the songs the way I do those other bands I love. If you're as into the genre of Noise Pop as as I am, I'd give it a try, but if not, can def skip this one. Favorite tracks: Sleight of Hand, Don't You Know


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