PRE PLEASURE, Julia Jacklin (7/10)

PRE PLEASURE is Julia Jacklin's latest album which was released on 8/26/22. This was another one of my most highly anticipated albums of the year since I really enjoyed the singles; "I Was Neon" in particular is definitely one of my favorite singles of the year, so I was hyped to see what else would be on this album. While I wasn't disappointed, I also wasn't as impressed by the rest of the album as I was by that song in particular - a phenomenon which has happened a lot this year and I've discussed before (a symptom of the single-dropping-as-previews culture). The album is also a little slower than I would have liked since I like Jacklin's more upbeat stuff so much. All that said, it is very good! While I didn't love every song, I did like them all and am, in general, just a fan of Jacklin's voice/lyrics/melodies. If there was anyone to compare it to, I would probably put it somewhere near Lucy Dacus' "Home Video" album in terms of how its thematic preoccupations and the general vibe of slow indie rock. Good stuff. Favorite tracks: I Was Neon, Moviegoer, End of a Friendship



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