I Love You Jennifer B, Jockstrap (6/10)

Jockstrap's first full length album!! Just dropped on Friday (9/9/22). I've been a fan of Jockstrap's for a while since they've released a bunch of singles and EP's. That said, I tend to either really like or really dislike their stuff; it's all experimental/alt-pop and can get pretty strange at times. Tbh, I didn't like most of the songs on this album very much, but I definitely still respect the album and people who really love it. They're weird and cool and very idiosyncratic and, as I said, hit or miss for me. The reviews I've seen for this album have been pretty solid/liked it a lot, and I can see how the production and creativity are both pretty extraordinary, but I just didn't find that many of the songs pleasant to listen to personally. Still a fan though and will continue to follow them. Georgia Ellery's voice is also just objectively lovely. Favorite tracks: Greatest Hits, What's It All About?

Revised 6/1/24. Ok after two years I've returned and I get the hype and have switched my review from a 4/10 to a 6/10. Still a bunch of songs I don't like, but the ones I do are just extraordinary. 


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