God Save the Animals, Alex G (7/10)

Okay the day has come... 9/23/22... the drop of Alex G's newest album, "God Save the Animals," from which he's been dropping singles for a few months. The singles have been quite controversial as they are very distinct from a lot of the feel of his discography - moving into more electronic pop. But honestly, I ended up liking the singles a lot! "Miracles" I've been listening to over and over and over. Okay so now we get the album, and I am sad to say that I was disappointed. I really don't like a lot of the songs! I enjoy synth and a heavy bass a lot, but some of these songs go more in they hyper pop direction which I'm not as big a fan of. And idk. I've listened to it twice now, and I'm just still not convinced by so many of the songs - the singles are still a lot of my favorites. In fact, there were only two new songs on the album that I was really impressed by - "Mission" and "Forgive." Tears. It's okay tho I still luv Alex. Favorite tracks: Miracles, Cross the Sea, Forgive 

Update: I gave it initially a 5/10, but I've changed my mind. I don't know whether the songs have just grown on me or, with more listens, I've noticed a lot of nuances that I really admire. But Mission has become one of my favorite songs of the entire year. Ahhk 



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