A Bit of Previous, Belle and Sebastian (5/10)

Ok so this new Belle and Sebastian album came out on May 6th. I first listened to the whole thing a few weeks ago and gave it a 6 but felt I had to re-listen to do my review, and upon second listen I am giving it a 5. It's okay with a few good tracks and a lot of just alright tracks for me. It's very Belle and Sebastian - pretty like chill jazzy rock. This particular album though has a very social justicey(?) kind of message in a bunch of the songs, but it all felt a bit platitude-y to me especially coming from a bunch of middle aged white people, so that fell a bit flat for me (okay looking back this is honestly a common theme for them but I feel like sometimes they've done it better). Also on that note, interesting choice to have a Black woman on the cover when as far as I know B&S is all white people?? 😬 Anyways, it's a nice album and if you are a big Belle and Sebastian fan, you should def listen,, but otherwise I think you're okay to skip this one. Favorite tracks: Young and Stupid, Talk to Me, Talk to Me, Unnecessary Drama


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