Music Box, Post Office Winter (7/10)

"Music Box" is the sophomore album release of another baby Chicago group (in addition to Horsegirl), Post Office Winter (6/25/22). I was really impressed! It's super garage-y indie rock and kinda slowcore - reminded me a lot of Alex G's "Race;" while the sound is pretty different from his, it has the same feeling of being recorded on a cassette or something in a kid's garage in one take. It's pretty rad especially given how young the duo is. And the song, "WAKE" is just stunning. Although I don't love every song on the album, I liked the vibe so much I even pre-ordered a cassette of it. Sound is kinda like Melaina Kol or maybe a 22(degree) Halo. Favorite tracks: WAKE, See the avalanche, Veil/Chapel


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