Just Kids, Patti Smith (7/10) - no spoilers

Finally got around to reading Just Kids, which I wanted to dislike for how much all the pretentious little art kids love it. Unfortunately, I liked it. It's all about Patti's relationship with Robert Mappelthorpe which I didn't realize and makes the book a lot more interesting than if it were just a memoir of Smith's life imo. There's also a lot of stuff about the literary scene at the time (in addition to the art/music scenes), which I personally liked and hadn't anticipated. The writing is good but not anything super special, but you're reading it cuz it's Patti Smith talking about her irl experiences not because she's the best writer in the world. And those experiences are cool and a really insider glimpse into the NYC scene of the late sixties with every artist, writer, and musician under the sun. It's also just a book about the desire and pursuit of being an artist. Yup. 


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