you made me realise (EP), my bloody valentine (6/10)

So I've been getting more into my bloody valentine, and for this reason, I recently decided to do a deep dive and listen to their entire oeuvre (at least what's on Spotify rn). This is the first EP that Spotify has, coming out in 1988 after the recruitment of Bilinda Butcher on vocals. It's a pretty solid five song EP that apparently adopted a noisier sound than mbv had had before. Upon first listen, I didn't really enjoy the album (I think because it felt too noisy for me at first), but I've been listening to it more and it's definitely growing on me. The first three songs are more noisy/grungey and the last two are more melodic/dream poppy. I'd say to listen if 1) you like mbv 2) you like shoegaze/noise pop, and if you don't like either of those, then skip it. Will keep reporting back on my mbv dive! Favorite tracks: thorn, cigarette in your bed 


  1. I like the "you should listen to this if..." part so i can decide if i wanna listen


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