Tied to a Star, J Mascis (4/10)

So, while I have known of J Mascis for a long time as a huge name in the indie folk community, I hadn't really listened to any of his stuff other than his cover of "Fade Into You." Wanting to see what all the hype was about, I finally got around to doing an album listen - that of "Tied to a Star," his second solo studio album after he left Dinosaur Jr. (2014). To be honest, I really don't like his voice??????? I was really damn disappointed not going to lie. Idk I think he is really great at guitar and some of the guitar parts shred, but I just don't like his voice and when he goes high, it just sounds like Bon Iver but worse in my opinion. I didn't dislike this album, but I also didn't like it. Similarly, I respect him as a musician (especially as a guitarist) but am not a fan personally. Thus the 4. Probably a taste thing I guess since he clearly has a huge following. (shrug emoji). Favorite tracks: Me Again, Every Morning


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