This Is Not Karate EP, C Turtle (6/10)

Bella recommended me this quirky little six-song 18 minute EP from C Turtle, a "London-based alternative lo-fi rock group" which came out on 6/24/22. She had sent me a song from it, "Tarred & Fucked" which I absolutely just adored for its weird and earnest and heartwrenching lyrics and garage rock sound. Unfortunately, however, that seems to be the best song on the album in my opinion and I was not as impressed by the other songs. The EP opens strongly with another strange little rock song, "This is Not Karate" that I like, but after this and "Tarred & Fucked," the EP goes downhill for me. There's a solid lo-fi instrumental song, "Emily" that Bella likes but I found to be a bit boring, and then I just didn't really like the last three songs very much even though I found the guitar pleasant and I admire the strangeness of the lyrics. Definitely gets a bit noisier on the last few tracks as well if you're into that (which I am but for some reason don't love these). Overall, though, it's a quick listen and if you like alternative rock/grungey noisy guitar stuff, I'd still probably give it a try. And dang I just love that "Tarred & Fucked" song! Favorite tracks: This is Not Karate, Tarred & Fucked



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