The Fashion Focus, Starflyer 59 (7/10)

Wow I have a whole backlog of albums to review from the last week traveling! Bella sent me this album under the recommendation of Truman. It's a famous album from UK shoegaze band, Starflyer 59, which came out in 1998 (a year notable for my birth). It's good -- at times sounding more dream poppy like The Breeders or My Bloody Valentines and at other times sounding more shoegazy like an Elliott Smith. If I have one critique, it's that it's a bit too melodic and not enough punky/noisy for my taste (by which I mean sometimes the melodies sound too nice and bore me), but it's still quite pleasant to listen to. Not my favorite/the most interesting band of the genre (imo) but overall impressed and still dig the sound! Favorite tracks: I Drive A Lot, We're The Ordinary, Days of Lamech, Shut Your Mouth 



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