Surrender, Maggie Rogers (5/10)

Another 7/29/22 release. Maggie Rogers is a star that I love to hate lol. I'm sorry I'm so judgey but she just really irks me especially her Tiktok presence. I also feel like she is kinda queer-baity??? idk maybe that's just me. While I've listened/liked a couple of her songs in the past, I haven't really listened extensively to her music, so I decided to give this album a listen so that I could better understand the person that I hate/see if her music redeemed her. I was mildly disappointed when I actually really liked the first song 😅😂 and was like fuck am I going to actually fuck with this album. Thankfully, that was the only song on the album that I really liked. The rest are fine and I have to admit, while I don't really like her style of electronic pop/the kind of wailing way she sings, she is talented. That said, I still don't love most of the album. But if you like country-adjacent indie pop and don't have my personal vendetta against Maggie Rogers, perhaps you will like it. Favorite tracks: Overdrive, Symphony


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