Sea of Worry, Have A Nice Life (7/10)

Sea of Worry is the third and most recent album (2019) from Connecticut shoegaze/industrial duo, Have a Nice Life. Bella sent me this album, which is funny because Deathconsciousness (their debut album) had been on my to-listen-to list for the last few weeks. Since Deathconsciousness is an hour and 24 minutes and Sea of Worry is only 46 minutes, I decided this album would be an easier introduction to the band. This album does not start off strong imo with my two least favorite songs coming first, so I was pretty meh for the first bit, but then I really started fucking with all the songs after that! Lol. It moves from a kind of gothic shoegazey sound (in the first two tracks) to "Science Beat," a softer more dream-poppy song, to a rock song to two ambient tracks (one more dreamy one more industrial) and finishes with an experimental 13 minute song that begins with a long soliloquy on hell and god. Despite the rough start, I ended up really enjoying this album and especially how diverse the sounds are; I think sometimes shoegaze can often end up with a lot of songs sounding similar, and I appreciated how this album really spans different sounds and tempos. Favorite tracks: Science Beat, Trespassers W, Everything We Forget 



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