Radiator, Sadurn (7/10)

UMMM?!!!!??? This album is so fucking good?!?!?!!? Like one of my favorite of the year so far probably?!!?! I'd never even heard of Sadurn but a music Tiktoker I like recommended this as one of her albums of the year so far, and boy was she on to something. Somewhere between Katy Kirby (in the sound) and Frankie Cosmos (in the songwriting) I'd say, G Degroot has such an amazing voice and the lyrics are so good and the guitar is great and it's all pretty simple and just wow. Um not to mention it's GAY??!?!?! 😭😭Thank you God for this one. Too many of my favorite singer songwriters are straight, so what a blessing this is. In Icepick, Degroot writes: "But you and I are good friends, sometimes we're in love and / It feels almost like nothing I'm ever gonna find again / And I even met your parents even though they're homophobic / And it took almost a year for you to tell them we were dating." The album is so intimate and beautiful, recorded in a cabin in Poconos. Wowzers. Favorite tracks: Snake, the void / Madison, icepick,



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