Musique Automatique, Stereo Total (7/10)

Musique Automatique is Stereo Total's fifth and most famous album, released in 2001. Their Spotify bio reads: "A witty French-German duo with a kitchen-sink approach to pop music, Berlin's Stereo Total combined punk, hip-hop, disco, '60's pop, and rock from France, the U.K., and the U.S., as well as electro and new wave elements, into their own intentionally subversive trashy style." I quote this because I don't think I could have said it better myself. It is trashy lol but it's fuckin awesome. Sometimes it works, and about half of the songs on this album I go hard for, and sometimes it doesn't, and I absolutely have to skip through the other half 😂 but it's all just so cool. Sometimes they sing in French; sometimes in German. A combination/amalgamation of genres is pretty accurate which makes for an entertaining and pretty diverse album, which I always like. If you aren't into weird, I would not recommend it lol. But if you are, give it a try. I think you'll be rewarded. At least listen to my favorites ;) Favorite tracks: Für Immer 16, Exakt Neutral, Les Chansons d'a, Ypsilon


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