Mermaid Salt, John Craigie (5/10)

Ok Bella absolutely loved this album which came out on 4/15/22, so I finally got around to giving it a listen. I didn't actually know John Craigie before Bella got into him, but he's an American kind of indie/folk/country singer-songwriter in the vein of like a Nathaniel Rateliff or Rayland Baxter?? maybe lol. I don't know. It was just okay for me, maybe because I don't like his voice as much as Bella does. It's a solid album which definitely fits into this genre, but I personally didn't find it stand out in any way. I also am not the biggest fan of his voice which contributed to the meh score, but if you like his voice, I can see how you could get really into him. Favorite tracks: Helena, Count Me Down, 50/50


  1. ok i do not absolutely love this album. i would say it's a strong like. i think john craigie writes some good lyrics, but i agree that you have to like his voice to like his music and that's prob why he isn't as big as some other artists


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