Marcel the Shell with Shoes On, Dean Fleischer-Camp (7/10) - no spoilers

My mom wanted to see a movie this weekend lol and I knew this had gotten 98% on Rotten Tomatoes, so I dragged her to see it. It is a really sweet and cute mockumentary, which takes the making of Marcel the Shell's Youtube fame and turns that into its own story. The writing is really fucking good, clearly the reason for the 98% and the reason that a mockumentary about a talking shell could hit the theaters lol. Marcel's character is irreverent and likable and wise and witty, and his observations about humans and humanity are stellar. That said, the movie still was a bit random lol. I wouldn't say you need to see this movie, but if you are looking for a short (it's only 1hr and a half) and very sweet movie, I would recommend it for sure. Definitely made me laugh and tear up a little. :') he's just so fkn cute.  



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