Lucifer On the Sofa, Spoon (6/10)

This album, which came out in February of 2022, has been on my to-listen-to list for a while since it was received pretty well and my dad had played the song "The Devil & Mister Jones" for me which I liked a lot. I know Spoon is pretty classic and has been around forever, but I'd never really listened to any Spoon before. They are clearly very talented and shreddddders on the guitar which I always appreciate. This is definitely not my genre - a kind of dad rock if I had to describe lol. Because it's generally not my taste, I didn't love too many of the songs, but if I had to put on a playlist at a barbecue for a bunch of parents, I think they would love this shit lol. Like I said though, there are a bunch of guitar riffs that go absolutely bonkers and most of the songs that I loved were because of the guitar parts. Favorite songs: The Devil & Mister Jones, Wild, Satellite



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