Joli Mai, Daphni (6/10)

Daphni is a project of Canadian musician Dan Snaith. I'd heard two songs from this album before, "Poly" and "Carry On," and really fucked with them, so this album (2017) had been on my to-listen-to list for a long time. It's 12 songs with a runtime of 59 minutes, though, and it's all pretty much electronic dance music, so I was having a hard time finding both the time (an hour is long for me) and the mood (definitely a certain mood to listen to this album lol). A few days ago, though, I wanted something to listen to while I worked out and decided this would be the time to do the full-length listen. It turns out this is a fantastic work-out album lol - I HIGHLY RECOMMEND LISTENING TO IT WHILE WORKING OUT. While "Poly" and "Carry On" are still probably my favorite songs on the album, there are a few others I really liked too! Probably in total I liked half of the songs and the other half I was just meh on, but if you played this whole album at the gym or at the club, I would not complain at all. Snaith has great beats and just really cool electronic sounds. But yeah I don't think you need to listen to the whole thing; I'd just listen to the highlights. Favorite tracks: Poly, Carry On, Life's What You Make It, Vulture



  1. will play this next time im coaching and get the gym's review lol


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