Immunity, Clairo (6/10)

Okay I'm not really sure why I had never listened to a Clairo album before. I like a few of her songs but had never liked them enough to want to fully dive into an album. That said, for some reason I decided it was finally time to give her a chance. This is her debut/breakout album (besides her singles) from 2019. If I'm being honest, I had very low expectations as I had deemed Clairo as a bit too poppy for my taste. I was actually impressed though! And surprised by how electronic some of the songs are/the production on some of the songs when I had deemed her a simple singer-songwriter with a guitar. While I didn't love about 2/3 of the song, her voice is very nice and soothing, and all of it was rather pleasant to listen to. The album was also more gay than I had realized which is always a plus lol. Like Beabadoobee, her personality and character are also very likable which always helps. Overall, the album is quite nice even while I don't find any of it groundbreaking/it's still a bit too poppy/coffee-shopp-y of me. 😬 Favorite tracks: Bags, Sofia, Feel Something


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