Hey Dood, Peach Fuzz (4/10)

Peach Fuzz is the new project of Samia, Raffaella, Hank (Sara L'Abriola), and Ryann (Victoria Zaro). I was excited to hear about this because I really like Samia, although I'd never heard of the others. Was a bit disappointed by how poppy this tune is, but it wasn't too surprising given that Samia's music exists on the poppy end of the indie spectrum and I don't know the other artists. It's a cute quirky tune about awkwardness and social anxiety that reminds me of high school, but it's a bit too cute and poppy and saccharine for my taste. I'm sure many people will find it a bop; I'm just definitely not the target audience lol. Anyways, I'll still keep tabs on this band as they put out more stuff cuz obviously they are talented. :p


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