Hear You, toe (5/10)

Bella put me on to this album by Japanese jazz/psychadelic rockers, toe. Since I'm Japanese, I always am here for Japanese artists, so I was pretty excited when she sent me a song from this album. It's truly a pretty fuckin weird album lol. It's about half instrumental half with vocals but, even in the songs with vocals, I'd say the focus is largely on the instruments. They've got a super fucking talented drummer, and the drums have to be the highlight of most of the songs for me. The guitar is also pretty rad. Vocals are iffy - the first vocal song, "Commit Ballad," features a whispery femme voice which I just hated. Then later in the album we get some alt j like talking/singing men on "Song Silly" and "Boyo," and then we get some, in my opinion, horrible rap in "Time Goes" lol. So yeah the songs were pretty hit or miss for me 😂. Overall I'd say I ended up at a five with some high highs in the guitar and drum solos and some really low lows in songs I couldn't bear to finish lmao. Oh yeah, it came out in 2015. Favorite tracks: Premonition, My Little Wish, Song Silly


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