Garden Bed, 22° Halo (6/10)

Bella sent me the song "Scarecrows" from this album recently and really liked it, so decided to listen to a 22° Halo album and this was their most recent from 2021 (their sophomore album, and I'd like to give their debut a shot too at some point). It was pretty good - very typical kind of grungey slowcore - good lyrics, good guitar, shoegazy, etc. but nothing too special in my opinion. "Scarecrows" was still my favorite song although I liked a few others a lot, and they were all pretty pleasant to listen to even though many of them I didn't find spectacular. Don't have too much to say about this album. It's nice but nothing crazy. Other than my favorite tracks, there's also a pretty sick guitar part in the longest song, "Wranglers in Blue" - although that song was a bit long for me. Favorite tracks: Scarecrows, Storm, Ripple


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