Florist, Florist (7/10)

Honestly, while I am definitely a Florist fan, this album (their fourth studio album) absolutely exceeded my expectations!! Which was a very pleasant surprise!!! Another release from 7/29/22, this album is a 19-song 57-minute exploration of sounds and lyrics. With many beautiful sad tunes in classic Florist nature, it also has just as many instrumental interludes, which I think was a super wise choice. Even while I didn't love all of the interludes, they definitely kept the album from sounding monotonous or redundant, which was a trap this album could have easily fallen into I think since Florist has a very distinct sound. While the band has kept their signature honest and heartbreaking lyrics, they have definitely experimented with sound and instruments in their songs!! This experimentation, like the interludes, works well to diversify the album and also just made for some really dope songs that don't sound the same as the old Florist stuff. We even get a pretty jammy tune with the song 43. 😄 Very happy with this release. Favorite tracks: Spring in Hours, Organ's Drone, River's Bed, Sci-fi Silence


  1. i like this album, but personally was not a huge fan of the ambient songs. they kind of bore me. i'm gonna give it another listen when i'm in a better headspace. fav track: spring in hours


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