Days In The Wake, Palace Brothers (7/10)

Ok so I first heard of this band when Perfume Genius posted that he might do a cover of the song, "You Will Miss Me When I Burn" (from this album). Uhg. I absolutely fell IN LOVE with that song. It's so fucking good. So I had to listen to the whole album (1994). While that song continues to be far and away the best song on the album, I really liked most of it! It's super spare guitar melodies with just Will Oldham's devastating lyrics over them. His voice breaks a lot and isn't the greatest, but that's definitely part of the appeal for me. Good folk shit. I was pretty into this album and sent it to Bella, and she didn't really like it. So maybe take my review with a grain of salt, but I think it's fuckin awesome if you're into a kind of Bob Dylan sparse folk. I don't love every song but the lyrics on some of them are just so great. Favorite tracks: You Will Miss Me When I Burn, I Send My Love To You, No More Workhorse Blues



  1. I re-listened after i felt bad for shit-talking the album. I would still only give it like a 5 or 6, but it was much better on the second listen. I am not a huge fan of some of the lyrics - he talks about killing dogs and cats :(


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