Boat Songs, MJ Lenderman (8/10)

I'd never even heard of MJ Lenderman before about a month ago, and then I've been seeing him everywhere since! This album came out on April 29th of this year and has received pretty positive criticism. It's pretty interesting running somewhere between electronic indie and country and folk with some very funky bits for sure. A lot of the album is too country for me and the songs that I like the most are definitely the most rock/folky rather than country-ish, but if you like country you should definitely give this album a listen. My favorite song on the album, "Dan Marino" is probably the most anomalous actually which is why I like it with a way more grungey sound. But yeah no doubt he's super talented - more just a question of taste for the lower score. Favorite tracks: TLC Cagematch, Dan Marino, Tastes Just Like It Costs
Original Score 6/10

OK EDIT: 11/13/23
It's been over a year since I listened to this album, and I just listened again and WHAT THE HECK!!! THIS IS SO GOOD!!! I guess my taste really has changed. I think this is a phenomenal album and MJ is a genius what the heck the next Jeff Tweedy. Fav tracks: TLC Cagematch, SUV, Tastes Just Like It Costs
Updated Score 8/10



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