Spitting Off the Edge of the World, Yeah Yeah Yeahs & Perfume Genius (7/10)

I haven't actually listened to a lot of stuff by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, but I do love Perfume Genius, and he had posted that he was going to be featured on this a few weeks ago - so I was pretty excited for the drop. It's actually a bit more poppy than I was expecting, but this song still goes hard. Reminded me of Børns a lot when I first listened (whose been cancelled for sexual misconduct??? I just learned in looking up what that o looked like), and upon listening more also reminds me of some early 2000's indie rock like a few Arcade Fire songs. Despite it being a bit poppy, one can definitely still jam out to it and I like it. Uhg. I love Perfume Genius. Will listen to more of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs when I have time. Not the best song but decent stuff for sure. 


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