Received Receipt, Jane Lai (6/10)

This is Jane Lai's debut EP, and I was honestly really impressed. It's a cute little eclectic tape of six pretty short songs recorded with a bunch of Jane's friends. The sound is pretty familiar -- a cross between Told Slant and Florist -- but that's a sound I like, so I don't mind. She also has their very kind of colloquial storytelling feel that exists in their lyricism. In Age Carry, she even writes, "Show me Told Slant on tape;" so it's not like she is oblivious to her predecessors. If I had one critique of the album, it's that perhaps lack of originality/also a lot of the sounds take on a very similar sound - but again, I do like the songs. I'm excited to see where Lai goes and if/how she is able to forge her own path in the indie folk scene. Favorite tracks: Age Carry, Forget Feed



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