Natural Part, Horse Jumper of Love (4/10)

If my devoted followers remember, I got really into Horse Jumper of Love about a month ago - so I was stoked to hear they were putting out this album last Friday. So fucking disappointed; I really did not fuck with the album. It's not necessarily that the music was bad per se... but idk I really didn't like any of the songs besides "I Poured Sugar In Your Shoes" which had already been dropped as a single. What I like about this band is their really DIY/garagey sound and guitar/lyrics in the vein of Alex G/et. al. This album has that - but it's a bit more grungey than prior stuff. And I like grungey. But grungey in the sense that these songs are less melodic I guess. Idk I just didn't really enjoy listening to the songs/didn't find any of the tunes that pleasant to listen to besides IPSIYS. Sad. I can see how someone would actually like this album a lot, but that someone's not me which is sad cuz I do love Horse Jumper of Love. Album art is great as always. Disappointed in this one. :( Favorite track: I Poured Sugar In Your Shoes


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