Mercury, Steve Lacy (5/10)

First new Steve Lacy song since the Lo-Fi's in 2020. Lacy dropped this song last Thursday in anticipation of his newest album, Gemini Rights (lmao) - altho I'm not sure when the album is dropping. I know some of my friends really love this song, but for some reason it doesn't do it for me. I love Steve Lacy and think he's one of the most talented guitar players in R&B (and just music in general) today. He also has an amazing voice. But I've listened to this song probably 4 or 5 times now, and as much as I want to love it, I just don't. It sounds a lot like him/past songs of his re: the guitar lines and the vocals, but I find this song less catchy to me than some of the others. Still very excited for the album. And again, I know a lot of people have liked this one - so take this with a grain of salt. 


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