I Wish Shit Would Stop Spinning, The Loners with Parentheses (8/10)

This is a great album that Bella recommended to me from 2015. Sound in the realm of Starry Cat, Horse Jumper of Love, kind of a slower grungier Alex G type garage noise pop, maybe a bit of Daniel Johnston. Very good and right up my alley of taste. Lyrics are great and emo and poetic and honest just like how I like them. In "Two Birds With Their Throats Slit," they write, "I'm afraid of your eyes and your ears / And your mouth eventually." Great shit. Overall very good album with very few skips - my only qualm was that, while it sounds like a lot of artists I really love, it still sounds like a lot of other artists. Not doing anything particular new or novel in my opinion which is why I docked it. But yeah. Still great. Favorite tracks: Cat, Two Birds With Their Throats Slit, I See Are Seeing Me, Tongue Kiss



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