Honestly, Nevermind, Drake (3/10)

Ok if you know me, you know I am a shameless Drake fan, so obviously I was hype when he dropped this surprise album on Friday. As a diehard Drake fan, however, I am allowed to say that this album sucks lmao. Pitchfork said something about if someone let the algorithm run for 52 minutes off of Passionfruit radio, and that about sums it up. I am definitely more a fan of Drake the rapper than Drake the singer (for the most part with a few exceptions) - and this album is pretty much Drake doing the same thing he did on Passionfruit on slightly different beats. At this point in his career, though, it feels old and tired and honestly boring. One tires of simpy Drake singing about his various hoes in his whiny R&B voice after he does the same thing for so many years. And there's some good beats in the album which would have been better had he brought someone like Tems back on and he was rapping. For example, the song "Tie that Binds" has a really sick guitar part, but then Drake's voice comes back and ruins it lol. For a contemporary rap album, this album is very sparse in features -- which has the potential to be really cool but to me feels to the detriment of this particular attempt. Very sad. Do better Drake. You have the talent. Favorite tracks: Sticky


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