Fire Doesn't Grow On Trees, The Brian Jonestown Massacre (7/10)

Another Friday drop (6/24/22)! I've been getting more into the Brian Jonestown Massacre recently ever since "Vad Hände Med Dem?" became one of my favorite songs of all fuckin time, but they have so many albums it's been a bit daunting. Anyways, I didn't know they were gonna release this album, so it was a pleasant surprise to have something tangible to dive into first. I truly think they are one of the best contemporary rock bands I've decided. While I didn't love every song on this album, you have to admit that the guitar is just fuckin crazy. They are objectively shredders. I also really fuck with the vocals. And how can you not like song titles like "Ineffable Mindfuck" or "#1 LUCKY KITTY"? Favorite tracks: Ineffable Mindfuck, Silenced, Before and Afterland, Don't Let Me Get In Your Way  


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