Etiquette, Casiotone For The Painfully Alone (7/10)

Livingston recommended this band to me, describing them as simple casio tunes with emotionally devastating lyrics - his taste and also mine lol. Anyways, I guess this is their most famous album which came out in 2007. His description was pretty accurate, and the sound is about what you might expect given that description. It's a good album for sure with some bangers that I really like but also some that I was just okay about. Lyrics on 100. There's this one song I really like ("Happy Mother's Day") which is like 1 minute and a half of Owen Ashworth talking about being disappointed by his mom over a simple melody lmao. I'm a sucker for casio and simple synth beats, so if you also like that kinda shit, you'll like this. Definitely gonna listen to more of their stuff - and they just changed their name to Advance Base/started a new project that's also pretty interesting. Favorite tracks: Happy Mother's Day, Holly Hobby (Version), Don't They Have Payphones Wherever You Were Last Night, Nashville Parthenon



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