Black Punk, Rico Nasty (7/10)

Uhg. I fucking love Rico lol. One of Rico's new singles from her forthcoming album (Las Ruinas, July 22). Idk I just think it's so dope that, as someone known as a rapper, she is so unapologetic about dabbling in different genres and also just that she is a Black femme punk rapper??? like that is so fuckin sick. Also just the fact that punk is usually thought of as a pretty white genre, but Rico reminds us that so much of music has roots in Black music tradition and also that there are lots of Black musicians doing punk and loving punk today. The beginning of the chorus: "Black punk / Black lipstick all over my fat blunt" 😆 Come on. How can you not love her. It's also just a banger of a song. Rico nasty 4ever. 


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