Waterslide, Diving Board, Ladder to the Sky, Porridge Radio (7/10)

Ok so this was probably my most anticipated album of 2022, and it was just released today. I love Porridge Radio; they are probably one of my favorite bands right now, and the album they released last year was one of my favorite albums from 2021 -- so yeah I had a lot of expectations for this album. Mm I wouldn't say I was disappointed but I also wasn't like overwhelmed impressed with this album. That said, it's still really fucking good. Dana Margolin's voice is just chef's kiss to my ears and it sounds so in anguish and raw, and her lyrics are so good 😭😭 I'm not giving this album an 8 or 9 because I didn't love all of the songs/sometimes they sound kind of similar - but still that baseline sound is great. I think the songs that stuck out to me were when they experimented with sound like with the violin on "Flowers," which I hope they continue to do going forward. Overall, it's a solid album from a great up and coming band. Pretty happy with it. Favorite tracks: Back to the Radio, Trying, The Rip, Waterslide, Diving Board, Ladder to the Sky



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