Two Half Words, Sam Tudor (7/10)

Really interesting album!!! Would definitely give it a listen. I'd never heard of Sam Tudor before, but Bella sent me a couple of songs from this album, so I listened to the whole thing since it was pretty short (30 min). Bella described it as Andrew Bird adjacent, which I think is an interesting description. I see it in the vocals, although this album is a lot less string heavy and much more wind and percussion heavy than Bird. That's what I think makes the album so interesting though; there's a ton of flute and sax and interesting percussive sounds that don't sound like a typical drum set. And so much of music now is so guitar heavy while this album relies a lot less on guitar. The first song, "Dance Call," fucking rocks and pairs the Bird-like vocals with a sick drum beat -- I think it's by far the best song on the album. Got a little bored 2/3 of the way through and didn't think any of the songs were 10/10 besides maybe the first one, but overall it's a great listen and departs from a lot of the stuff I've been hearing lately. Oh it also came out in May of 2021. Favorite tracks: Dance Call, Perennials, Wading



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