This Is A Photograph, Kevin Morby (7/10)

Ok so I'm not the biggest Kevin Morby fan. I like his stuff but I think he suffers from what Bella has deemed the Kurt Vile effect - namely that his voice is so idiosyncratic and he sings it over guitar that a lot of his songs sound very similar. But honestly, I was really impressed by this album. He quelled the Kurt Vile effect a little by using others voices - with a feature on "Bittersweet, TN" and by using a chorus on a few of the songs. And his guitar's just so fucking good. And on "Stop Before I Cry," he is singing to Katie (Crutchfield) of Waxahatchee, and my heart just melts because they are the cutest fuckin couple. 😭😭 There's a lot of songs on this album that I like and a couple I don't, but generally I had a very positive reaction. I think he's really elevated his production/compositions on this album from what I've seen of him before. Favorite tracks: Bittersweet, TN, Disappearing, Stop Before I Cry, It's Over 



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