Sylvie, Sylvie (7/10)

Last night Bella and I went to Starline Social Club to see Widowspeak (who was amazing), and Sylvie opened for them. They were really fucking good! They haven't released a full album yet, but this was their debut EP from 2021. It is five songs, and I love them all besides one (Shooting Star). Their sound is kind of like a contemporary Fleetwood Mac, sometimes sounding like the Beatles, sometimes sounding like Joni Mitchell. Regardless, it is basically pop slow rock but with lots of interesting guitar solos and great vocals and there's also a dude on the steel guitar. It's mad chill on the porch summer with lemonade vibes. I like them a lot. Looking forward to see what they put out in the future since they are a relatively new band. Favorite tracks: Falls on me, Sylvie, 50/50


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