Skinty Fia, Fontaines D.C. (7/10)

Tbh I was really pleasantly surprised by this album 😄 I've liked Irish post-punk band Fontaines D.C.'s stuff before but never loved - but this album I actually did really love. It's got a pretty diverse range of sounds within the post-punk genre from typical heavy electric guitar and dark vocals to "The Couple Across The Way," a slower ballad with simple vocals over accordion which I really liked. The songs are complex and vary from one to the next, and I really enjoyed almost every song on the album. It's weird, novel, and beautiful, and I'm always a sucker for the Euro accented post-punk vocals (think the Goon Sax or the Jesus and Mary Chain). Favorite tracks: Bloomsday, Roman Holiday, The Couple Across The Way, Skinty Fia



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