Niineta, Joe Rainey (8/10)

FUCK!!!! This album is really fucking good, and I almost gave it a nine but there were just a few songs I didn't love (although still liked). Joe Rainey is an Ojibwe singer and he works with producer, Andrew Broder on this fantastic album. He combines traditional Ojibwe vocals with really cool compositions that vary in style and length and instrument; instruments include piano, lots of types of percussion, some synth, great bass lines, violin, field recordings of rain, dialogue, and more. I really fuck with experimental stuff and field recordings, especially when musicians are able to create really complex sounds out of them, and Joe Rainey succeeds thrillingly here. I just pre-ordered the vinyl that's how much I liked. 😭😭😭 So good. Definitely one of my fav albums of the year so far. Favorite tracks: easy on the cide, jr. flip, turned engine, phil's offering


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