Crush, Sammi Cohen (3/10)

I knew going in that it was going to be a stupid cheesy feel good movie -- and that's exactly what it was. The writing was terrible. The acting was pretty bad. But I wanted something that was light and stupid and would make me cringe and bask in my gayness - and this movie fully succeeded in all of that. Bella said I was being generous by giving it a 3, but truly I would recommend it if you're in the mood for horrible lesbian coming of age. Yes I was high, but I almost started crying of laughter just at how cheesy the ending was. So many lesbian and gay movies are so tragic and include a lot of suffering, so it was nice to have a movie where the worst thing that can happen is your crush not liking you back. And it definitely made me a little nostalgic/envious for a life where I could have explored my queerness in high school with parents and friends who were so supportive. So yeah. Was the movie good? No. Is it worth watching? Maybe if you are high and want some trashy guilty lesbian pleasure. 



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