You Can't Fuck the Internet, Amelia Jackie (6/10)

Really impressed honestly by Amelia Jackie's debut album, "You Can't Fuck the Internet" which came out  on April 8th. I would describe it as country-folk leaning indie rock with some of the songs being more country ballads and some being more sad indie folkrock. Her voice is fucking great, somewhere near Angel Olsen. Some of the songs are a bit too country-ish for me, but anyone who likes that kind of stuff will probably dig her. Her lyricism's also great; she writes, "Do you wanna give it to me gently / I hate everyone but you / Do you wanna tell it to me slowly / You hate everybody too." She's pretty small right now with only 831 monthly listeners on Spotify, so I'm excited to watch her and see if she gets big at all as she continues to release music. Favorite tracks: Velvet Leash, Terribly Blue, Ice Cold Plum


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