Topical Dancer, Charlotte Adigéry and Bolis Pupul (2/10)

Damn- really disappointed by this one. One of my favorite music tiktokers said this was her favorite album of the year so far, so I was really excited to listen (pitchfork also gave it an 8.4). The first track was by far my favorite, so I remained excited until the second song began. This album is experimental electro dance but also tries to be very political and woke. I find the lyrics so fucking stupid and not even making any good political statements tho! The lyrics ruin the entire fuckin album for me, and it is very sad since there are some good bass lines and synth beats happening. For example, on Esperanto,  Adigéry sings, "Don't say 'But where are you really from?' / Say 'I don't see colour.'" That's not even what you are supposed to say either?????! They also say "I practice all beliefs / From atheism to zionism" on Hey, and I am pretty anti-zionist. All of this is what brought my review down so far. Very sad, but I have zero tolerance for lyrics I find cringey. The only track I really fucked with was Bel DEEWEE (the opening song) and Ceci nest pas un cliché was ok but maybe if I spoke French I wouldn't like the lyrics either. 


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